Kami Shabaz -The Senior Collection-

Upon meeting Kami, she proceeded to lock herself out of her car. A shining moment for anyone. After calls to both parents for aid in this mini fiasco, the reality set in, there'd be no parental rescue.

See this would be the significant second in which I myself would have hit the panic button. But being trapped and powerless didn't rattle Kami. Several apologies later, and after happenstance struck, a

garage truck of a man walked toward us. He was a handyman. And he was going to help us. Twenty minutes later we were headed to our first location. Kami's calm resolve kept me relaxed and cured my

anxiety for a period of time. I'm certain as a self-proclaimed "hippie without dreads", her inner peace certainly rubbed off on me. It was groovy.

I remain flabbergasted at her extensive list of clubs and activities she's a part of. Ok deep breath... here we go... She's been on varsity soccer all 4 years, she's in 7 clubs including National Honor Society,

Sports Medicine Rehabilitation, Interact, Health Occupations Students of America, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Society of Female Scholars, and my favorite... the ping pong club. She's also president

of two of the seven clubs that she belongs to. Coming home from school to play Halo everyday now seems rather paltry in comparison. Thanks Kami. Okay so she lives a super hectic life. So what.

Well, what stupefies me is how she's able to juggle all these acts, and never hit bottom, or seem the least bit frazzled. Usually a person that undergoes a similar onslaught of busyness, usually ends in

meltdown, or at least they have a propensity to be tired all the time. Take a look at the images below. She ain't tired. So here's to unrelenting future hippie surgeons. This is Kami Shabaz.















  1. how come you get so many pretty girls!? I love the black and white with her hand in her hair. so pretty.....

  2. I love this shoot. She is amazing. THe first picture is so good. Even though it goes against the rules. It was the perfect crop.
    So cool. Great job


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