From Student to Nurse: A Dinner For Bonnie

Super Mom, lunch pal, dear friend, and now registered nurse, miss Bonnie is going places. A few weeks ago one of those places was Texas Roadhouse, a dinner spot for blue collar america, and dudes who hang out at truck stops, but it was also a meeting point for a few of my friends and I where we celebrated Bonnie's murdering of the daunting NCLEX examination. And since that dinner she's landed a job at Banner Boswell in the Neuro department. Seriously, get out of this woman's way.

I spend maddening amounts of money eating out. One glance at my Quicken profile would have my Dad shaking his head. But it's events like these, where the day is concluded with friends, eating delicious food -- TR's give-away rolls are on the same level as my Mother's home made rolls --, and diving into lasting conversation makes eating Tyson chicken nuggets at home, in front of ESPN a laughable course.

Congrats Bonnie!

"Are you still taking pictures of me?"

A tiny smirk... Susan's a tough one to break.

Sam smelling my armpit, or, or, or ... laughing really hard. Naaaaah, she's smelling my pits.



She was totally aware that I was taking a picture.

You could paint an entire costco with Scott's multifold of faces.

Sam needs everyone to know that she took the image in the bottom right. #talent



  1. Awe. That's my Bon Bon. Great post. Love the color. And love Texas Road House.

  2. I love Bonnie. I love Texas Road House. Great pictures as always. Your descriptions are awesome.

  3. Thanks guys. I had never really been to TR before. I gotta admit, it was pretty tasty.


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