The Movie Trailer That Might Make You Cry

I've always been strangely compelled by movie trailers. A few years ago I seriously pondered the idea of starting the journey of becoming a movie trailer editor. I love the concept of briefly welcoming a new and exciting story in a summarizing fashion, without revealing too much, but enough to fascinate those watching. There's also something mysterious about movie previews. There's a certain amount of imagination that takes place during and after one, my thoughts are illuminated with new ideas and possible movie scenarios, and I almost envision what that movie might be about.

Every few years a movie trailer comes along and transcends the monotony of the movie preview universe, and profoundly touches me. This can happen via goosebumps, through pure emotion, I even feel truly inspired and have felt a sense of rejuvenation after a few. "Children of Men", "Crash", "The Fountain", and "Cloverfield" have all been films that have had emotive trailers, beyond them all.

The Tree Of Life trailer give me the chills. Between the deeply moving script, "father, mother, always you wrestle inside me", the breathtaking visuals and even innovative cinematography (the shadows dancing on the street. WHOA.), this movie leaves me desperately grasping for more, in a "that tasted so good I need more" kind of way. Please, watch this in 1080 HD. Turn the volume up, and invite someone over to the computer to watch this with you. Also check out the beautiful still images taken from the movie below the trailer.

Interesting facts about director Terrence Malick who's last film was "The New World":

-Always includes narration by one or more characters.

-Often includes nature as a major element in his films.

-So far (2008), he has only directed period pieces; none of his films are set in the present day.

-His films are shot almost entirely outside.

-After Days Off Heaven (1978), it was a full 20 years before he directed his next film, The Thin Red Line (1998).

Some Linkage:


May 27th, 2011 please be here already.















  1. This movie looks great!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Doesn't it? Brandi, we've never talked before? Your images are beautiful.


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